Parasites in the human body: causes, symptoms and treatment remedies

The serious problem of modernity are parasites.

The underestimation of risk in combination with the lack of knowledge about the biology of these beings and forms of infection by them has led to the holders of the various parasites are now at least several thousands of millions of people.

In this article, we describe in detail what types of parasites in the human body may be the cause of its appearance, as well as about the symptoms and methods of control, or any parasite.

The solo

A small digression:Almost everyone we observed that the meat of pig as one of the most tasty dishes, especially when she is served with special dishes. Meat – pork meat-pork, which we sometimes consume, can be considered one of the dirtiest sources of meat.

What are the parasites?

A parasite is an organism that lives entirely at the expense of the other, larger, body. By the place of location are ectoparasite that live on the outer man, and endoparasite susceptible to contaminate its interior. On the composition of the parasites, which may be viruses, bacteria, worms, insects, and even vertebrates.

The parasites can not be considered as something unnatural. On the contrary, until the scientists do not realize what it is, and where they come from, people have been exposed constantly, which is one of the causes of low life expectancy 1 – 2 a century ago. In fact, many of the parasites lethal, and in some cases, life-saving can only be qualified medical intervention.

In others, the disease can last decades, as well as parasites cleverly disguised as other diseases, a cure that cannot be until it is resolved your real reason.

Popular types of parasites

The more close to the nature, the traditions, is more likely to get with the itself of one of the parasites or a set of them.

Round and tapeworms, fleas, lice, subcutaneously, mites, larvae of gadfly and wohlfahrtia volare – this is not a complete list of who has a thirst for human flesh and blood, let's look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of at least one of the main species of parasites in the human body.

The worm solo

Tapeworms is the informal name of the large tape worms, as the bovine and swine tsepen, as well as the choice of lentets. The worm lives in a slimmer design and the colon, the first few months of time without being detected, and takes the time to strong weight loss of its "master".

In general the structure of all of the tapeworm consists of a head, with suckers, that helminth attach to the wall of the small intestine, and several hundreds or thousands of segments gradually increase in thickness in the mature eggs.

With the passage of time, the segments end up in the worm's body, and are displayed along with the feces. His appearance guaranteed an indication that it is necessary to take measures, and there is no reason for the joy of what the parasite has left.

For him, it is the normal process of life, in natural conditions, these segments continue to tens of minutes, after which it is broken, the dispersion around the eggs helminths. If the solo refers to a type of bull tsepnja, then the segments are reptan by the anus.

The symptoms of tape worms in man

The symptoms of the availability of tape worm of man in the body:

  • pain in the abdomen, which change their location,
  • diarrhea,
  • vomiting,
  • headaches.

Taking into account that the carrier of the tape worm can be almost any animal, up to the mouse, both inclusive, are due at the conclusion that any contact with the earth in the mouth that are potentially unsafe.

If the solo refers to a type of a wide lentetsa, is the infection of them derives from the insufficient heat treated or salted fish.

Pumpkin seeds

The treatment of the large tape-worms of man in the home

Popular methods of treatment include:

A few days before the treatment should go on a diet of carbohydrates. Then use one of two:

  • The pumpkin seeds. Raw seeds clean and eat in a few tricks, watered with the water. The adult person with 300, in the day, the children – 100 grs of Used disposable.
  • Therapy the collection of the following ingredients: 4 parts tansy and flax seeds ground cloves – 2 parts for 1 part of tsmina (sempervivum) of the colors, the centaury, wormwood, pumpkin seeds (ground).

Components are crushed, mixed and taken the week, in dry form, by the spoon. On the first day – 1 time in the morning, in the second and third days, 2 times, morning and before meals, in the coming days – 3 times a day with a glass of water.

After one of the two preceding paragraphs may, in the morning fasting an enema and then takes a portion of the tool and after 2 hours it gives a laxative.

Has gone helminths (up to several meters in length) is examined for an end of the head with suction cups. If not, then the worm came out completely, and after a week of treatment is repeated. To the control at 3 weeks, the process it is desirable to repeat in any case.

Echinococcus (echinococcosis)

It is very dangerous helminth, infection that with time can lead to death. The thin tape worm, 3-4 mm long, and is of the order of 1 mm in thickness, which has the property of forming bubbles in the internal organs (including the liver, lungs, and brain).

Echinococcusmarketing of the bubble is a fluid filled in the cavity in which the walls are helminths, and within the side are created bubbles, even within side. In the volume of this pathology, which can reach several liters of human beings.

Adult Echinococcus parasite in the small intestine, their larvae the blood stream are disseminated through the portal vein all over the body. The diagnosis can be made through the ct scan, stool analysis or a reaction to the presence of antibodies to Echinococcus in the body.


The symptoms for a cyst hidatídico in the man

The symptoms of the spread, especially in the initial phase, can masquerade as other diseases, so the diagnosis makes sense to pass, if you have a combination of several of these features:

  • the weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • headaches;
  • vomiting;
  • renal colic;
  • a little bit of fever;
  • decreased appetite;
  • the weight loss;
  • the severity and pain in the liver area.

The treatment of the transmitted

When you detect this parasite medical attention is necessary with your intervention. In his absence, can facilitate the situation through the following remedies:

  • The collection of the kidneys of a birch, the leaves of mint and flowers of immortelle. The components are taken in combination of 100:75:75, and fill up with boiling water from the calculation of 100 ml to a tablespoon. Drink to the children of 50 ml for an adult of 100 ml 4 times a day, from two weeks to a month.
  • The tincture of alcohol, the greater celandine and the kidneys of a birch, internally. The components are filled with the vodka in a ratio of 1:5 and leave to the week. Dosage: 1 tablespoon an hour after meals, 3 times a day.
  • The tansy ragwort. Flowers, insist 2 hours with a ratio of 1 cup of boiling water over a tablespoon. Take 100 ml a day one hour before food.

It should be noted that Echinococcus, as the tape of helminth, constantly fixed to a case body (liver, lungs, brain) and can not be expelled through the skin with the help of the tub, against the recommendations personalities of folk medicine.

Ascaride (human Ascaris)

Round in section, of worms, of 20 – 35 cm long, more often compared to the worms. Ascaride, unlike the above varieties, do not have the bodies of coupling, and constantly moving in the flow of semi-undigested food, it passes through the intestine.

But your damage does not end. The worms from time to time are multiplied, and their larvae gnaw through the intestinal wall, in the same way it is disseminated through the body in the blood stream, such as the larvae of the above forms of helminths.

An irrefutable fact is that entering the lungs and coughing through the mouth, along with mucus, when they are so small, that in most cases, the patient even may not notice.

In addition, thanks to the migration of the larvae, ascaride can live in the liver, the kidneys, the spleen, the lungs, the brain, tens of years. Not as disturbing properties, such as the Echinococcus, ascaride, however, are capable of causing diseases such as hepatitis b in men, cirrhosis in women and cancer of the brain.

Flax seeds

Symptoms of the Ascaris

Group of symptoms Ascaris, which was worthy of attention, is the following:

  • increased salivation;
  • the weight loss;
  • the diarrhea, and blood in the mass fecal;
  • allergy and itching in the skin;
  • shortness of breath, bronchitis, or pneumonia;
  • a little bit of fever;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • vomiting and changes in appetite;
  • the depression and anxiety.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of a general analysis of the cala, for which you should go to a specialized institution.

The treatment living with roundworms remedies

Applicable to the expulsion of Ascaris, the treatment of remedies includes the following recipes:

  • a milk enema with the garlic. The piece of garlic is prepared in a glass of milk and put it in the form of enema in the evening. The course applies the week.
  • the pumpkin seeds. Similar to the previously described treatment of the solitary;
  • the tincture of the leaves of wormwood and grated raw pumpkin seeds. Components take in equal proportions, are added two parts of vodka and insist in a dark place of the week. The finished tincture is used 2 times a day, before lunch and dinner of 50 ml;
  • green walnuts pour boiling water with a ratio of 1 part nuts to 2 parts water and insist half an hour. A glass of infusion to drink during the day and then take laxatives;

The tool of recovery of the body after the release of the parasites

In any case, the parasites of your stay disrupt the normal functioning of the organs where they were.

Echinococcus of the kidneys and the liver suffers calcification, ascaride out in the lungs and in the liver of the movements which are saved, even after his death, the tapeworms, their suction cups break down the wall of the intestine, which increases the risk of duodenal ulcer.

Therefore, the folk medicine recommends to apply to correct for these effects the following recipes:

  • The intestine retrieves the infusion of seeds of flax. The seeds of brew boiling water for calculation of the spoon in the glass and insist 2 hours. The course of treatment: three times a day 50 ml of the week;
  • General restoration is achieved in the following collection: 2 parts nettle leaves, 1 part of the fruits of rosehip seed oil and 5 parts of fruits of a mountain ash.

The mixture of sealing water boiling in the same proportion, as in the previous paragraph and is used in the same way.

Prevention of infection by parasites

Rule # 1: there's nothing fishy enough salt water, fried or boiled. Sushi, salted herring or sashimi can be considered as a gourmet meal. But in essence it is the raw fish, while the fish is one of the components of the life cycle of worms.

Everything that happens: first, the larva enters the clam, where it does not grow over a certain limit, then the mollusk is eaten by fish, the larva enters your digestive tract, staying alive, and then grows and multiplies, falling in the muscle tissue of the fish and then the fish eats the dolphin, the gull or the white bear. Or you want to start on the high of the japanese culture, visitor of the restaurant.

Sure the raw fish, in theory, exist. To this should be immediately frozen after capture, and the very before cooking, or should be especially cultivated in the fishery farm with the control of the absence of parasites. But to see if it really risky to dish was prepared from it, as a general rule, impossible.

The meat

The meat should comply with the same care, not to test raw minced and fresh-salted fat.

In addition, in order not to get helmintosmu, vegetables and before eating wash your hand also. Be a component of a natural environment, these parasites in the human body were distributed in almost all parts.

Any contact of the food or of the hands with the earth, the dirt, the dust and the vegetation is able to stop eating their eggs microscopic. By penetrating in the intestine, the eggs will disappear worms that delete would not be easy.

There are parasites which attack passes only or necessity in the nature of man, are, for example:

  • the malaria Plasmodium content in the saliva of mosquitoes of the culex,
  • the causative agent encephalitis virus content in the saliva of the tick ixodes are,
  • horsefly and wolfarth, volare.

Its prevention consists in the application of all kinds of insecticides in the marches of the wild flora and fauna, as well as in the maximum protection of open parts of body (nets, grid, a special gel).

However, that's all you can do if prevention has not helped? As well as the attack is known for a long time, also it has long been known, and the treatment of the forms.

And, to finish, it should be noted that the enforcement of simple rules of hygiene and sanitation, the extermination of flies and cockroaches, allows to reduce considerably the risk of infection by parasites, which leads to serious consequences.